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Research Area

Rīgas osta - vēsture, pieredze, attīstība (The Riga Port: History, Experience, Development)

A multilingual publication analyzing the economic and historical significance of the Riga Port.

Ekonomisko krīžu iespējamība un to novēršana Latvijā (The Possibility of Economic Crises and Their Prevention in Latvia)

A critical analysis funded by the Latvian Science Council to assess and mitigate economic crises.

Auto servisa uzņēmumu saimnieciskās darbības analīze (Analysis of Economic Activities of Car Service Companies)

A study commissioned by the Latvian Auto Body Repair Association to develop methodologies for pricing and service evaluations.

Investīciju vides un politikas pilnveidošana Latvijā (Enhancing Investment Climate and Policy in Latvia)

Explores mechanisms to attract investments and improve Latvia’s competitiveness.

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